Pleasant Dreams, was written and Illustrated by Anna B Francis and published in 1984 by Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. A few First Edition copies in mint condition, signed by Anna B Francis are available for purchase at $45.00 per copy including Priority Mail shipping.
Please mail a check or money order to Anna. |
Pleasant Dreams book reviews:
"The book jacket of Pleasant Dreams has more words on it than all the inside pages combined.
But those few inside words, combined with magnificent drawings, go deeper than any first grade
primer when it comes to bedtime fears. In Pleasant Dreams, the age-old big green monsters
behind the bedroom door are delightfully brought into focus.
This book was meant to be shared". - Sara Johe, Charleston Daily Mail.
"Pleasant Dreams," by Anna B Francis uses a surprise ending about two green monsters
sneaking into a child's bedroom. Is the sleeping child dreaming? Or are the Monsters real?
It's a visual book with very few words." - Howard Bronder, Valley News Dispatch.
"For those small children eagerly asking for a monster book, we now have something that
might fill the bill! It is gentle and humorous and has a refreshing twist on the monster in
the closet type tale." - Pamela R Brooks, Eastern Massachusetts Book Review Group. |
"Most children gravitate toward monster stories, and this one is an amusing variant in which
the detailed pictures (nicely conceived and composed) tell most of the story and make the
few words used all the more effective." - Bulletin for the Center for Children's Books.
"A limited word picture-book featuring deliciously frightening green monsters with huge
eyes teeth and claws who sneak suspiciously into the bedroom of a little girl. The detail
in the drawings adds enormously to the intensity of the story. Suspense is cleverly built
up by creaks and clicks being visibly heard and the teddy bear, stuffed animals and dolls
looking wide-eyed with fear. The unusual yellow tinged coloration or the child's
purple-pink bedroom is in wonderful outlandish contrast to the blue hues of the borders
and the vibrant chartreuese monsters. A powerful impact is made by the terse script
contained as it is within white speech balloons. The unforeseen ending will delight
the viewer." Language Arts Book Reviews. |
In 1983, Anna published the children's picture book, Pleasant Dreams.
She taught children’s picture book illustration for 18 years. As a result of taking her class many of her students have had their own books published. |
Ellen Craig Perlwitz, Author and Illustrator:
Charlie's Little Moon Trip
Greene Bark Press, Inc. 1992. |
Cindy Kosowsky, Author and Illustrator:
The Wordless Counting Book
Green Bark Press, Inc. 1992 |
Chris Murphy, Illustrator:
Super-duper Jokes by Fredrica Young,
A Sunburst Book, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1993 |
Denise Minnerly Bennett, Author and Illustrator:
The Color Tree
Green Bark Press, Inc. 1993
Illustrator: Molly meets Mona and Friends
Green bark press, 1997 |
Nancy Willis, Author and Illustrator:
Robins in Your Backyard,
Cucumber Island Storytellers, 1996 |
Carey Hedlund, Author and Illustrator:
Night Fell at Harry's Farm,
Greenwillow Books, William Morrow & Co. Inc., 1997 |
Mariko Shinju, Author and Illustrator.
A Pumpkin Story,
Green Bark Press, 1998.
The Heart Repair Shop
Iwasaki Shoten, 2000
Tokyo, Japan |
Jane Eyre, Author and Illustrator:
You’re One of a Kind
Peter Pauper Press, Inc., 1999 |
© 2016 Anna B. Francis