"Anna B. Francis - Pleasant Dreams", Booklist, October 1, 1983.
"Anna B. Francis - Pleasant Dreams", Language Arts, January 1984.
"A Gift For All Seasons", Huntington Museum Newsletter, September/October, 1983.
"Almanac - Exhibits", Gannett Suburban Papers, November 29, 1991, p. 16. (B & W repro).
"Alumni News", Syracuse University ISDP Newsletter, Spring, 1995, p. 2.
"Amaryllis In Action - Art Exhibit", The Bartlett Arboretum Newsletter, Vol. 11, No. 3, Fall 1991.
Anderson, Lisa. "The unique style of Anna B. Francis brings still subjects to life", The Times Record, October 8, 1991, pp. 1 & 8. (B & W repro.).
Anderson, Lincoln. "Potent Still Lifes", American Artist - Watercolor '90, Spring 1990, pp 2, 14, 70-71.(Full Color Repros.)
Arnot, Christopher. "In Praise of Portraits", New Haven Independent, May 7, 1989.
"Art and Antiques", The Country Shopper, Issue #201 ,December 1991 p. 45. (B &W repro).
"Artists Create Baseball Card Renditions", Fort Dodge Messenger, September 11, 1993.
"Artists Palette", The Suburban and Wayne Times, Vol. 109, No. 50, May 11, 1995, p.14, B & W repro.
"Art People", Art Matters (Philadelphia), December 1991, p. 4.
"Art People", Art Matters, September 1992, pp. 4 & 10.
"Art People", Art Matters, Vol. 12, No. 6., April 1993, p. 4.
"Arts and Flowers", The Gardener's Gazette, November/December 1990, (Black and White repro.), Vol. 1 , No. 6, p.6.
"Arts and Entertainment", The Philadelphia Tribune, Friday, March 10, 1995 p.12-E. (B & W repro.)
"Art - Museums, Galleries", The Philadelphia Inquirer, March 3, 1995, pp. 35, 38.
"The Artist and the Baseball Card", Stamford Museum and Nature Center Newsletter, March 1991, p. 1.
"The Artist and the Baseball Card", Delaware Museum Quarterly, Spring 1993, Vol. 12, p. 1, 6, 9.
"Associates in the News", American Watercolor Society Newsletter, Winter 1991, Number 59.
"Associates in the News", American Watercolor Society Newsletter, Summer 1991, Number 60.
"Awash in Watercolor Waves", The Long Beach Island Summer Times, July 1989.
Blau, Leslie. "Watercolor L.B.I.", Art Matters, September 1989, p.14.
Brodner, Howard. "Make Room For Books Under the Christmas Tree", Pennsylvania Valley News Dispatch, November 30, 1983.
Brooks, Pamela R. "Anna B. Francis - Pleasant Dreams", Eastern Massachusetts Book Review Group, Fall 1983.
Burt, David. "Straight from the Art", Art Beat - The Newsletter of the Silvermine Guild Arts Center, November 1990, p. 3.
Burt, David. "Straight from the Art", Art Beat - The Newsletter of the Silvermine Guild Arts Center, November 1991, p. 4.
"Call for Entries, 'Return to Beauty'", Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts Newsletter, February, 1995, p. 3.
Chambless, John. "Artist helps others get books into print", The Daily Local News, West Chester, Pa., Sept. 14, 1992, p. D-3. (B & W repro.)
Chambless, John. "Art Association Shows its best", The Daily Local News, West Chester, Pa., Oct. 24, 1992, p. D-1, D-2. (Color photo.)
Chambless, John. "Monumental Flowers & Black and White Worlds," The Daily Local News, West Chester, Pa., Dec. 2, 1994, p. D-1. (Color photo.)
"Chester County Artists Featured," Community Courier, November 30, 1994, Vol. 5, No. 43.
Conkling, Winifred. "Drawing Upon Her Childhood Dreams For A Book", The Huntington Herald Dispatch, November 30, 1983. (B & W repro.)
Crego, Alicia. "Anna B. Francis, 'Thinking Big With Watercolors'", Town Talk, November 26, 1992, pp. 2W, 3W. (B & W repros)
"Delaware Art Museum Looks at Sporting Art", Daily Local News, West Chester, Pa., April 30, 1993, p. 2.
Donahue, Victoria. "Show with clarity and intensity of purpose", The Philadelphia Inquirer, Sunday May 14, 1995, p. cc7.
Donahue, Victoria. "DCCA - Return to Beauty", The Philadelphia Inquirer, Sunday Dec. 10, 1995, p. cc5.
"Exhibit curator calls for 'Return to Beauty'", Art Matters, Dec. 1995 /Jan. 1996, pp. 21, 22.
"Events of More Than Routine Interest", (B & W Repro.), Art Matters, June 1992, pp. 5, 6.
"Exhibits on View: Award Winners", Stamford Art Association Newsletter, Winter 1991, p. 1.
Fawcett, Dennis. "Creative Arts Workshop Alive with "Still Life Now", New Haven Info, May 1989.
Fawcett, Donna. "Still Lifes Breach Traditional Boundaries", New Haven Register, May 28, 1989.
"Floral/landscape art classes offered at Longwood Gardens", Greenville Community News, May 10, 1994. (B&W repro)
"Floral Watercolors on Display at the Arboretum", The Gardener's Gazette, October 1991, Vol. II, No. 9, p. 1. (B&W repro).
"Four thumbs up (Letters)", The New Art Examiner, Feb. 1995, p. 8.
"Francis and Allman exhibit at West Chester Gallery," Art Matters, December 1994/ January 1995, Vol. 14, No. 5, p. 16.
"Francis Makes the Cover", (B & W Repro.), People, The Lewisboro Ledger, May 14, 1992, p. B-1.
"Friends by Anna B. Francis is from Watercolor - Two Approaches", (B & W Repro.), The Calendar, Connecticut Weekly, November 6, 1990, p. W 7.
"Gallery Openings and Exhibits", Country Calendar, March 1995, Cover, pp. 5, 12, 13. (Cover, 3 B&W photos).
Gonzolez, Shirley. "Diversity Meets Quality Face to Face in Portrait Show", New Haven Register, May 3, 1987, p. D3.
Gonzolez, Shirley. "Pearlstein Picks Eclectic Mix for Portrait Show", New Haven Register, April 19, 1987.
.Hanson, Bernard. "Creative Arts Workshop Features Still Life Now", The Middleton Press, May 18, 1989, p. 6.
Hanson, Bernard. "Show Presents a Potpourri of Portraiture", The Hartford Courant, May 10, 1987.
Helfrich, Peter, "Course in Children's Book Illustration Offered" Art Matters, Feb. 1994, Vol. 13, No. 5, p. 12.
"Hot Spots - Summer Pleasures Exhibiting at National Bank of Commerce", Charleston Daily Mail, August 18, 1989, p. D1.
"In the Arts", Brandywine Currents, March 9, 1995, p. BC6. (B&W photo).
Johe, Sarah. "Green Monsters", Charleston Daily Mail, November 12, 1983.
Johnson, Jay. "The Baseball Museum of Modern Art" (Full color reproduction), Beckett Monthly, May 1990, pp. 75-80.
"Katonah Artist at Bakers Cafe", The Patent Trader, November 27, 1991, Vol. XXIV - 621, p. W7. (B &W repro)
Koepcke, Robert. "From forms to flowers", The Kennett Paper, Vol. 9, No. 49, December 8, 1994, p. BC3. (B &W repro)
Kirwin, Elizabeth. "In conversation or repose, these flowers have a great deal to say", Art Matters, Vol. 14, No. 8, April 1995, p. 22. (Full color repro)
"Life Size Watercolors Exhibited", North County News, Vol. 14, No. 15, November 27, 1991, p. V9. (B &W repro)
"Local Artists host Open Studio Tour" Chester County Press, Dec. 1, 1993.
"Local Artist Featured" Chester County Press, Feb. 15, 1995, p.3B. (B &W repro)
"Longwood Gardens - Drawing, watercolor classes" Art Matters, May 1994, Vol. 13, no. 8, p. 19.
"Main Street Minutes - Katonah", The Country Shopper, Issue #200, November 1991, p. 9.
"March at Penn - Upcoming Exhibits", Almanac, March 1995, p. 1. (B & W repro).
Martin, Kristyn. "Art Exhibit Features Two Chester Co. Artists", The Quad, Vol. 67, No. 9, November 22, 1994, pp. 8, 9. (B &W repro).
"Members Gallery at DCH", DCCA Newsletter, Jan. 1994, p. 1-3. (B & W repro)
"Mengucci, Mary Ellen. "Faculty Creativity - All Star Art", Syracuse University Magazine, March 1991, Vol. 7, No. 3, p. 40.
Mullinax, Gary " Art Loop - 55 Hours", The News Journal, Jan. 7-9, 1994, p. 9.
Mullinax, Gary. "Art Out of Left Field", Sunday News Journal, Wilmington, Del., April 25, 1993, p. H1, H3.
Munson, Marty. "Best Studio Ideas", The Artist's Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 12, December 1992, pp. 72-3.
"Native, a Watercolor by Floral Artist Anna B. Francis...", Weekend Magazine - Acorn Press, September 18, 1991, Vol. 4, No. 38, p. 23. (B & W reproduction).
"Neighbors", (B & W Repro.), The Patent Trader, May 14, 1992, p. A-14.
The New York Times Sunday Edition , January 3, 1993, sect. BWC, p. 15, col. 1.
"Not to Be Missed", Art Matters, March 1995, Vol. 14, no. 7, pp. 5, 17. (B & W repro).
O'Connell, Geoffry. "Arts and Entertainment", The Advocate and Greenwich Time, March 3, 1991.
O'Connell, Geoffry. "Faber Birren Color Show in 10th Year", The Advocate and Greenwich Time, Sunday, September 23, 1991.
Olderman, Maxine. The New Haven Register, April 30, 1989, p. D-1, 3.
"On the Cover", Art Now Gallery Guide, Philadelphia, March 1995, Cover, pp. 3, 10. (2 full color repros.).
Palazzi, Lynne. "Reviews - Rodger La Pelle Galleries 10th year Anniversary Exhibition", Art Matters (Philadelphia), March 1991, p. 3.
Papazian, Lynn. "Artists contribute work to benefit Bread & Roses", Fairfield County Woman, November 1994, p. 34 -37. (B & W repro.)
"Pleasant Dreams", Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books, February 1984.
"Pleasant Dreams", Kirkus Review, August 1984.
"Pleasant Dreams by Anna B. Francis", School Library Journal, August 1984.
Quillman, Catherine., "At University Gallery Art that offers vistas beyond the Brandywine.", The Philadelphia Inquirer, Dec. 1, 1994, p. CC5. (B&W photos).
Quillman, Catherine., "Classes offered at Longwood to help artists blossom.", The Philadelphia Inquirer, May 29, 1994, pp. CC1, CC3. (B&W photo).
Quillman, Catherine., "Seven Artists open studios to the public.", The Philadelphia Inquirer, Dec. 2, 1993, p. CC7 .
"Reaffirming beauty", The Kennett Paper (Currents), Nov. 9-15, 1995; p. B-3.
"Return to Beauty at the DCCA", Big Shout Magazine, Nov. 1995; p. 16.
"'Return to Beauty' Rediscovers the Aesthetic Experience", DCCA Newsletter, Nov. 1995, p. 1.
"Seeing Ourselves in Print", American Watercolor Society Newsletter, Summer 1990, p. 14.
Scwendenwein, Jude. "Artists in New Haven Exhibit Take Innovative Approach to Still Life", Hartford Courant, May 1987.
"Shop Talk", Sunrise Museum Newsletter, October 1983; vol. 9, No. 7, pp.5. (B&W Repro.)
Sozanski, Edward J., "Sport as Art: Two Exhibits", The Philadelphia Inquirer, May 23, 1993, p. F1, F4.
Sozanski, Edward J., "Art - Museums, Galleries" (Science Center Review), The Philadelphia Inquirer, Friday, March, 1995, Weekend Magazine, p. 34.
"Sporting Art - From England with Love", Spur Magazine; Vol.XXV, No.2, Nov./Dec. 1989, p.67 (B & W photo).
"Spike Jones", Westchester Art News, Vol. 12, No. 10, p. 5. (B & W repro)
Spillane, Margaret. "A Place for Faces - Contemporary Portraits Breath New Life into a Maligned Genre", The New Haven Advocate, May 4, 1987.
Spillane, Margaret. "Energized Still Life at C.A.W.", New Haven Independent, May 18, 1989.
"This Weekend's Winners", The Philadelphia Inquirer, Dec. 3, 1993, p. W2.
Ward, Michael, "Letter From the Editor", (Full color reproduction), The Artists Magazine, August 1990, p.4.
"Weekend", The Advocate/Greenwich Time, September 20, 1991.
"Watercolors Show Two Views on Still Lifes", The New Canaan Advertiser, November 15, 1990.
"What's Art?", The Nantucket Beacon, July 24, 1991, p.38, (B & W repro.)
"What's Happening", Welcomat/Philadelphia Weekly, March 1, 1995, p.45.
"Winners announced from the Woodmere Annual", Art Matters, Vol. 12, No. 7., May 1993, p. 4.
Zimmer, William. "79 Portraits in New Haven", The New York Times, May 24, 1987, p. 28.